North of the Arctic Circle
HF Adventure in Scandinavia
This summer, I embarked on a long-anticipated trip through Scandinavia, bringing along my trusted TX-500 HF radio. My goal was to experiment extensively with portable HF setups in the stunning, remote landscapes of the Arctic Circle. However, as I journeyed further north, the beauty and uniqueness of the region captivated me far more than I had imagined.
Setting Up in Kamøyvaer
Today, on July 21st, 2024, I find myself in the picturesque fishing village of Kamøyvaer, nestled on the island of Magerøya, Norway. It’s a quiet, serene place with brightly painted wooden houses scattered around the harbor, which is mostly used by local fishermen. Surrounded by rugged hills and the Arctic Ocean, this remote location offers an ideal environment for radio operations away from the interference of urban areas.