Hiking Adventure at Le Donon

Hiking Adventure at Le Donon

Hiking and Activating Le Donon with FT8

Nestled in the stunning landscapes of France, Le Donon stands tall as a haven for hiking enthusiasts seeking both a physical challenge and breathtaking views. On my recent expedition to this remarkable summit, not only did I conquer the trail, but I also activated the summit for the Summits on the Air (SOTA) program using the FT8 mode on my ham radio equipment. The journey was a test of endurance, especially under the scorching sun, but the rewards at the top, both in terms of stunning scenery and radio contacts, were well worth the effort.

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The Hike

The ascent of Le Donon offers a moderate hiking challenge, made somewhat more demanding by the relentless heat and radiant sunshine. The trail winds through picturesque landscapes, adorned with lush greenery and panoramic views. The journey becomes an immersive experience, providing an ideal opportunity to connect with nature and test one’s physical limits.

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Summit Activation with FT8

Reaching the summit of Le Donon, I unpacked my ham radio equipment to engage in Summit on the Air (SOTA) activation. The reference number for Le Donon is FL/VO-023, making it a sought-after spot for radio enthusiasts seeking both adventure and a robust radio challenge.

Using the FT8 mode, I managed to establish 11 contacts within Europe. Most of these contacts were on the 14MHz band, showcasing the reliability and efficiency of FT8 for mountain-top activations. The frequencies of 7MHz, 18MHz, and 28MHz also played host to one contact each, demonstrating the versatility of the ham radio equipment and the excitement of making connections on different bands.

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Encountering Fellow Hikers

At the summit, I had the pleasure of meeting fellow hikers who were intrigued by my ham radio setup. They were curious about the equipment and fascinated by the idea of making contacts with other enthusiasts across Europe. Sharing stories of my radio adventures added an extra layer of camaraderie to the overall hiking experience.

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SOTA Activator Stats

The summit activation at Le Donon contributed a substantial 10 points to my SOTA activator stats. Each contact made during this hike became a testament to the thrill and satisfaction of combining the love for hiking with the passion for ham radio.


Hiking Le Donon and activating the summit with FT8 proved to be a rewarding endeavor. The challenging trail, coupled with the technological excitement of ham radio, created an unforgettable adventure. For those seeking a unique blend of outdoor exploration and radio communication, Le Donon stands as a beacon of possibilities, offering both physical and technical conquests in the heart of France.