Hamshack Hotline: A Try

Hamshack Hotline: A Try

Roger M. Nabinger

Another Way to Connect

Recently, I decided to get involved with Hamshack Hotline, a dedicated VoIP network created specifically for licensed amateur radio operators. The network allows hams to communicate over the internet using VoIP phones, providing a great alternative means of staying connected beyond traditional radio frequencies. To participate, you need a compatible VoIP phone, and I opted for the Cisco 504G, a popular model among users.

Hamshack Hotline provides clear instructions on how to provision a phone for their network, which involves configuring settings to allow the phone to communicate with their servers. After going through the steps listed on their website, everything seemed to be in place. However, when it came time for my phone to register with the network, it simply wouldn’t connect.



Roger M. Nabinger

Trying AREDN with GL-AR300M16-Ext Mini Smart Routers

I recently decided to give AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) a try. To get started, I bought two GL-AR300M16-Ext mini smart routers, which are affordable and well-supported by the AREDN firmware. Flashing the firmware onto the routers was straightforward following the official instructions, and after the basic setup—including giving each node an appropriate name — I was able to log into both routers without any issues.

YSF Reflector in Golang

Roger M. Nabinger

Project Overview

This project aims to develop a YSF Reflector using the Go programming language (Golang). YSF Reflectors are critical components in digital voice communication, especially in the Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) network, where they enable linking and routing between various nodes and repeaters.

My goal is to leverage the performance and concurrency capabilities of Go to build a fast, reliable, and easy-to-deploy YSF Reflector that improves upon existing solutions in terms of speed, maintainability, and extensibility.

North of the Arctic Circle

North of the Arctic Circle

Roger M. Nabinger

HF Adventure in Scandinavia

This summer, I embarked on a long-anticipated trip through Scandinavia, bringing along my trusted TX-500 HF radio. My goal was to experiment extensively with portable HF setups in the stunning, remote landscapes of the Arctic Circle. However, as I journeyed further north, the beauty and uniqueness of the region captivated me far more than I had imagined.

Setting Up in Kamøyvaer

Today, on July 21st, 2024, I find myself in the picturesque fishing village of Kamøyvaer, nestled on the island of Magerøya, Norway. It’s a quiet, serene place with brightly painted wooden houses scattered around the harbor, which is mostly used by local fishermen. Surrounded by rugged hills and the Arctic Ocean, this remote location offers an ideal environment for radio operations away from the interference of urban areas.

Digital on HF in Sweden

Digital on HF in Sweden

Roger M. Nabinger

HF Adventure in Sweden: Strömsund Edition

As part of my Scandinavian journey, I’ve made a stop in Strömsund, located in Jämtland County, Sweden. This region, known for its dense forests, sprawling lakes, and tranquil atmosphere, has provided the perfect backdrop for another round of HF radio experiments with my trusty TX-500. After the incredible experience in Norway, I’m eager to see how the different landscape and weather here in Sweden will affect propagation.